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Garryduff Primary School, Ballymoney

News - P4-5

2015/2016 School Year

1st Jun 2016
Stuart Reid, who is an author of books for children, came to school today...
12th May 2016
It was such a lovely day today we decided to do our PE outside. We are focusing on...
9th May 2016
Leah is a librarian in Ballymoney Library and she came to tell us all about the library...
4th May 2016
We are getting our new topic underway. This term we are learning about Castles and...
15th Apr 2016
We carried out an experiment linked to our topic work. We looked at whether...
11th Apr 2016
Pupils in Primary 3 - Primary 7 have had great fun planting herbs and vegetables...
16th Mar 2016
Today we were heating chocolate to make Easter nests.
14th Mar 2016
We investigated what happens to eggs when you add heat to them.  We...
2nd Mar 2016
As part of our topic work we are all busy making penguins using 'modroc'.